Sunday, September 12, 2010

M's Musings on RUSH HOUR 3

Rush Hour 3.  Dir. Brett Ratner.  Screenplay by Jeff Nathanson.  Based on characters by Ross LaManna.  Ft. Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker.  New Line, 2007.

Having just returned to my computer after four decontamination showers, I am ready to say something about Rush Hour 3.

Chris Tucker was paid $25 million to be in the film.  I hope he used the money to do something to work against racial stereotypes, just like the character he played.  So, hopefully his future is in drugs and skin.  He probably has a very nice fur coat, too.  And a rap cd, dropping next month.  I apologize for saying such things.  This is not the way people should be encouraged to speak or act, unlike this film suggests.

This movie was just awful.  I was so sad to see that after three films, there was no attempt to move beyond the typecasting of the first film.  I would have liked to see...  another film entirely.  There is no way to fix this film.

I hope that someday, new non-English speaking talent, as well as racially diverse talent of any kind, can experience a "break through" in the film industry without resorting to taking on roles like the ones written here.  This movie was written for people who feel patriotic because they like to exclude people.  They are the ones who encourage stereotypes, because they themselves are stereotypically dull and, unfortunately, racist.

I look forward to watching a slew of excellent movies to bury this day in review history.

Please, please don't make another one.

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